Monday 12 August 2024

10 years on…new blog.

​And just like that it is 2024!

This year marks 10 years since I started blogging (as a little hobby) for the first time. I decided now would be the perfect time to restart and reintroduce myself. So here we go:

Hi, my name is Crissy!

A lot has changed in 10 years. I am a mum to a gorgeous little boy called Arlo, who you will probably hear a lot about. I love being a mum and the last 2 and a half years have been amazing. But now I feel ready to bring back a little bit of Crissy back. She was on pause for a while. Although parts of me have changed, my still love fashion, lifestyle, health and fitness and I can’t wait to bring that back…with a few tweaks. 

This year, I decided to create a mood board. I keep it in the front of my daily planner so that I can look at it every day. Some things that I included were positive affirmations that I can read when I am having a wobble or just to remember that I am a good person or that I can achieve something. I have also included dreams and a little wish list of things. Some are achievable and some are just things that I would love to have but I never will such as a Kelly 25/28. And that’s okay too. One thing on the list was to seat blogging again. I have wanted to do this for some time but just didn't know when would be a good time, when I was ready and what I wanted to blog about. Some people have moved from blogging to things like Youtube and TikTok but I  really enjoyed putting a blog together, getting ideas down, choosing pictures and so on. So I thought I'd go back to old school and blog again. 

Another goal I also want to try and accomplish this year is getting back into my fitness. I loved training and before lockdown I was training often. But since having Arlo (and during lockdown) I gave up slightly. Training was my escape and I started training to help with my mental health back around the same time I started blogging. They sort of came together. It was a way of escaping what I was going through and also a way of making me feel better. It is true what they say, you do feel better after you’ve trained. And I can’t wait to get that feeling again. Finding the time is a different thing. Ha!

So here we go again! I'm looking forward to the journey and even if only one person reads this, I hope I make this a place you can enjoy. 



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